Regulars' tables & regular guest Aloisius
Regulars' tables & regular guest Aloisius
Hofbräuhaus München contains more than 125 traditional plank-top tavern tables, or Stammtische, cater to roughly 3,500 regular guests or “regulars.”
Each table is frequented by a huge variety of clubs and trade groups, such as craftsmen, pilots, fans of traditional Bavarian attire, police officers, taxi drivers, among many others.
Many regulars store their own Maßkrug (traditional, stoneware beer mug holding Munich´s regulated one liter, or stein, of beer) directly at the Hofbräuhaus.
The tavern´s famous Masskrug safe has 616 compartments.
These coveted compartments cannot be bought. They are reserved exclusively for our regulars.
Regular guest Aloisius
If you would like to organize and start a regulars’ table, feel free to contact the service manager!
The most famous regular at the Hofbräuhaus is undoubtedly Angel Aloisius.
Our oldest regular: Angel Aloisius.
Angel Aloisius is the protagonist of “A Munich Man in Heaven,” the wonderful short story written by Bavarian writer Ludwig Thoma in 1911.
Alois Hingerl was a porter with the number 172, and a loyal regular at the Hofbräuhaus.
He was struck down by a stroke and died while completing a task with great haste at Munich Central Station.
Two angels carried him to heaven, where he was assigned the name “Angel Aloisius,” a harp, and a cloud, on which he was supposed to “rejoice” and “sing Hallelujah” according to the “heavenly house rules” on a fixed schedule.
The Munich man grew increasingly frustrated in heaven , however, due to a lack of beer and snuff, and muttered to himself, prompting God, after brief consultation with Peter, to send him back to Earth with a special mission:
he was to deliver a letter with divine advice to the Bavarian government. Alois was very happy about this mission, took the envelope with the divine advice, and flew straight to Earth – as usual, first to the Hofbräuhaus, where he ordered one beer after another.
Alas, he forgot about his mission and has been sitting there to this day, while the Bavarian government is still awaiting the divine advice.
With a bit of luck, you might have the pleasure of encountering Angel Aloisius at the Hofbräuhaus.

Beer tradition for more than 400 years and rich comradery and hospitality
We bring people together!
Hofbräuhaus embodies the Bavarian delight in and appreciation of simply living: It is a rich mix of tradition, culture, pure enjoyment and comradery.
We have world-famous beer, homemade Bavarian cuisine, more than 3,500 regular Bavarian guests and play authentic Bavarian tavern music
every single day.