Hofbräuhaus Logo

The Hofbräuhaus: Both Traditional and Modern!

Regionality from Bavaria, Craftsmanship, Quality and Sustainability

Hofbräuhaus values our farmers, gardeners, suppliers and craftsmen!

Gärtner Willi Böck, Vaterstetten

Strictly Regional Produce

The wholesome lettuces and vegetables are grown near Munich by master gardener Willi Böck from Vaterstetten. Short transport routes are key: from the region for the region!

Hofbräuhaus München: Schweinsbraten

Quality Ingredients from Bavaria

We even source our seasonal menu ingredients from Bavaria: our beef comes from the region´s Oberland, or hilly upland, our pork comes from farms in the southwhose pigs graze on deep straw.

Stefan Blum HB Kunstmühle

They couldn´t be any more local! The best ingredients from our own neighborhood

The flour for our homemade breads and baked goods is milled in the Hofbräuhaus Kunstmühle next door.

Hofbräuhaus München Maßkrüge

Energy efficiency and economical use of resources

We use state-of-the-art, energy-saving kitchen appliances, which significantly lower our water and energy consumption.
These energy savings, combined with our use of only regional suppliers, significantly lessen reduce our carbon footprint.

Hofbräu Tankanlage

Our craft Hofbräu beer is stored in state-of-the-art tank facilities.

Careful storage preserves quality and helps to save energy.
We have four large, horizontal stainless steel tanks, which can be efficiently cleaned. The large quantity held by the tanks enables us to minimize the number of trips beer tanker trucks make, which also helps to minimize delivery traffic in Munich´s medieval Old Town.

Hofbräu Schankanlage

Both Traditional and Modern!

Our beverage dispensing systems are among the world´s most modern. They stand in the center of the brewery to minimize the length of beerlines. Shorter beerlines require less refrigeration, reducing energy costs and streamlining cleaning. Regular cleaning, in turn, requires less detergent and prevents beer leakage during regular cleaning.
Bratwurst und Sauerkraut

Responsible use of Produce!

Freshly-prepared not only tastes best, it also means fewer cold storage units warehouses. This is how we use electricity responsibly, we need fewer cooling machines and therefore less coolant.

Best-before dates play no role for us because we cook with only the freshest of ingredients.
We prefer to keep our warehouse half-empty.

Hofbräuhaus Brotzzeit mit Brezn und Obazder

Bavarian “just in time”

We cook fresh on demand!
Our experienced hosts and chefs carefully calculate exactly how much they need of each ingredient
Our dishes are prepared according to the season, weather, special events or national holidays.
The rule is: Only as much as is needed and as fresh as possible!
We order and cook on demand, as freshly as possible!
Consumption Should Closely Follow Production.


Packaging of our Dishes

We primarily use recyclable packaging
We use stainless steel trays (Gastro Norm GN) for our potato salad, homemade sauces, soups, dumplings and baked goods.
We only use disposable packaging where necessary for reasons of quality and hygiene, e.g. for our homemade white sausages or roast pork.

Hofbäuhaus Events

The Hofbräuhaus is socially responsible

e.g. Christmas for the Homeless on Christmas Eve (held in the Festsaal with the Catholic Men’s Welfare Association) or our support of Petra Reiter’s “bunte Münchner Kindl “ (we collect money and school supplies for needy Munich schoolchildren).

Hofbräuhaus Mitarbeiterin


Many of our employees have been with the Hofbräuhaus for decades.
We consider close cooperation and mutual appreciation integral to authentic Bavarian Hospitality.

Landesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement - Ehrenamtskarte

A sign of recognition: the Bavarian volunteer card

We are acceptance partners for the Bavarian volunteer card. And give the particularly committed citizens a discount of 10% as a “thank you”. When ordering, please let us know that you have a valid Bavarian volunteer card.