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No reservations necessary here, just take a seat wherever you please!

The Schwemme

The historic Schwemme, or tavern, extending over the entire ground floor of Hofbräuhaus, is, without doubt, its centerpiece and focus. The expansive hall, where legendary Hofbräu Beer was once brewed, now serves up to 1,300 guests at a time under its lofty, arched ceilings. Some of the hall´s well-worn plank tables, or Stammtische, have even been here since 1897, as documented in the countless initials and messages hastily etched into their every surface. Some of the hall´s well-worn plank tables, or Stammtische, have even been here since 1897, as documented in the countless initials and messages hastily etched into their every surface. Our traditional Bavarian brass bands play beloved tavern music from the stage positioned in the center of the Schwemme almost every single day. And our guests experience Bavarian lifestyle first-hand at our Stammtische, which bubble over with authentic Bavarian lifestyle every single day.

No reservations necessary here, just take a seat wherever you please!

Our premises